The Jesus I Forgot
Have We Sacrificed Obedience on the Altar of Reason?
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About The Author
Lane was brought up in the small town of Baker, Louisiana. The son of a hardworking plumber, who was a completely no-nonsense kind of man. Lane was exposed to the things of God growing up but did not get saved until thirty years of age, and that is when everything in his life was transformed. That transformation led him to leave a position at Exxon Chemical Plant in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, to becoming a pastor at Bethany World Prayer Center, to starting a church in Abbeville, Louisiana, merging that church with another and forming New Life Church. He Pastored that church for twenty years before running for United States Congress and eventually writing The Jesus I Forgot. After retiring as pas tor of New Life Church, he created a new ministry, Genos Ministries, to bring an evangelistic anointing back to the local church. This book was written as a documentary about his journey, and he is sharing it to reach those who have struggled in their walk with or their concept of God